Hey I’m here to share with you how you can immediately save thousands of dollars in ad costs, target your website visitors more accurately and save money. Today you can stop paying money to Facebook for accidental or uninterested website visitors.

Here’s why:

It’s said that in order to get someone to buy from you they need to have seen your product on an average of 7 times. That’s why retargeting is the BEST form of advertisement, retargeting follows your website visitors around the internet until they purchase from you. This easily increases the amount of sales you make from your website.

The problem is:

Whenever you use retargeting over Facebook, Facebook forces you to advertise to all your website visitors including accidental or uninterested visitors who came to your website once and left immediately.

This leads to you paying significantly higher prices for retargeting website visitors, getting significantly lower click through rates on your ads and it’s more difficult to profit.

The fact is businesses are flushing down millions of dollars down the drain every single day because they are advertising to people who will never buy from them.

Whenever you want to retarget website visitors over Facebook, you paste in a code from Facebook onto your website. This code is called a ‘Facebook Pixel’ and it triggers as soon as someone visits your website. It looks like this:

Facebook then adds the visitor to your retargeting list inside of Facebook.

You (and every other Facebook advertiser) are then forced to advertise to 100% of your website visitors. You don’t have a choice, you are stuck paying money to advertise to accidental and even uninterested website visitors.

Why? This is because Facebook prevents you from identifying your hottest prospects. You are always going to be paying to advertise to visitors who aren’t interested in buying if you are using regular Facebook retargeting. The only way to solve this problem is by first identifying what level of interest your website visitors have before they are added to your Facebook retargeting list. This way you only advertise to visitors who are likely to buy.

Save Time, Money & Only Pay To Advertise To Your Hottest Website Visitors

Using this latest technology you can now see exactly

· Who is leaving your website

· How long they stayed

· What website they have been referred from

· The number of times they visited your website

· Their geo location

· What device they are using and more

When a visitor who is interested in your product visits your website, you can use this information to flag them based on their behavior.

You can then use this behavior to set up a virtual ‘Trip Wire’ that identifies hot prospects who visit your website that you want to retarget. This behavioral ‘Trip Wire’ combined with retargeting is the most efficient way of advertising ever developed.

Now you are back in control. Your visitors never get added to your retargeting list inside of Facebook unless the set off a ‘Trip Wire’ based on their behavior. You only advertise to your hottest prospects, and never waste time and money advertising to visitor who would never buy the product.

Spend Less on Ads and Make More Money

Now, because you are only advertising to the hottest prospects, you save money on ads. Facebook’s algorithm identifies your ads as being of more interest to their users. Your ads are shown more frequently, Facebook sees that a much more higher amount of people are clicking on your ads.

You achieve a higher ROI. In short, you immediately eliminate the problem of paying money to Facebook to advertise to accidental & uninterested visitors inside of your retargeting campaigns.

The solution to only tell Facebook about Visitors the users wanted required a developer (software). So the creators asked their development team if they could find a way to do this. They told them about the ‘Loophole’ within Facebook’s retargeting system and how they needed their help to exploit it.

They wanted to make sure that Facebook would only know about a website visitor after the visitor had set of one of he virtual ‘Trip Wires’. Saving time, money and immediately increasing the users ROI.

And they solved the problem.

The solution is now so efficient that Facebook has no idea of how they’re doing it but loves it, because the software achieves results that are 300% higher than regular Facebook retargeters.

It’s called Retargeting 2.0

So now you never have to overpay for your Facebook advertising ever again.


Easy To Use Intuitive Interface

Connect your campaign to Facebook with 3 easy steps. Within 2 minutes your campaign can be setup and Ready, saving you money and generating a better ROI.

Simply connect to Facebook, Select your ad account & name your ‘tripwire’ audience.

Unlock Incredible Behavioral Data On Your Audience

Our in-house system immediately identifies who your visitor is and tracks everything that they do on your website. We can identify key behavioral indicators that help us to build a profile on your visitor. Because we can capture this data so accurately you’re able to pick and choose exactly who you want to retarget.

Dig Deeper Into Your Retargeting Audiences

‘Retargeting Layers’ help you to get even more specific with who you retarget. For example you can now target visitors who both stayed on your website for 5 minutes or more who also speak english. Or target visitors who scrolled that visited from a mobile device. The possibilities are endless. Increase your ROI even more with this feature

Further Refine Your Campaigns Based On Specific Products & Pages

Target specific products & pages. Choose the exact URL you want to use for your retargeting. Remove anyone from your retargeting list who visited your website but didn’t specifically visit a particular product or page. This is perfect for sales funnels if you want to ‘retarget’ a visitor with a particular upgrade. Alternatively you can use this for an ecommerce website that has lots of products but you only want to advertise one of the products to your visitor.

Simply Copy & Paste A Line Of Code To Activate

Copy and then paste this simple line of code into your website. Instantly activate ‘visitor tracking’ on your website and ensure you can specifically ‘retarget’ hot prospects. This code works behind the scenes collecting data about your visitors. Then choose based on your settings which visitors get sent to your retargeting list inside of Facebook and watch as your conversions Sky Rocket


· STEP 1: Login to the software

· STEP 2: Choose what visitors you want to ‘retarget’

· STEP 3: Paste in your piece of code

· STEP 4: Automatically send the hottest audiences to Facebook to advertise to.

Let me explain better.

When you login to the software, connect your Facebook account then choose your ‘retargeting list’.

When you add the code the retarget software provides you to your website, you immediately benefit from their behavioral collection system. Automatically their software works behind the scenes completely ‘in silence’.

It automatically identifies who your visitor is, how long they stayed on your site, whether they scrolled or not, their language, device and more.

Then it automatically sets these ‘trip wires’ so when a prospect’s activity triggers the ‘trip wire’, Facebook is sent their information and the visitor is immediately added to your retargeting list.

The best part about the system is that you can set ‘Trip Wires’ for almost anything.

It’s been made super easy as well.

Once you’ve added their code to your website you can then lay your trip wire. Simply select from the settings within the software’s dropdown and choose what behaviors are gong to trigger it.


· Time on site — track how long visitors stay on your website, choose to advertise to visitors who stay longer.

· Whether or not a visitor scrolls on your website — track your visitors as they scroll through your website, you could exclude visitors who do not scroll.

· Language — retarget visitor who speak your language, remove visitors who don’t speak that language from your retargeting list.

· Referral source — adjust your advertising campaigns based on a visitors previous destination. Personalize your ads based on the previous website you know the visitor has visited.

· Number of visits — Advertise to people who have visited your website more than once. Offer coupons, special offers or discounts to increase conversion rates.

· Date of visit — Target visitors based on the date they visited. Use scarcity and time sensitive promotions to better sell to your ‘retargeted visitors’

· Visiting Device — Advertise to people who visited your website from a specific device. Refine your advertising based on the device your customers typically buy from.

· Campaign specific advertising — Retarget visitors based on other campaigns. Advertise to visitors who go through a specific marketing campaign. Target your advertising specifically towards that campaign with retargeting.


· Unlock incredible behavioral data on your audience

· Dig deeper into your Retargeting audiences

· Further refine your campaigns based on specific products & pages.


Q: Does Retarget by Adsight Pro work on Mac & PC?

A: Yes, you can login to our Retarget software from anywhere in the world or whatever device you want. Retarget works with Mac, PC or any mobile device.

Q: Do you have any money back guarantee with this software?

A: Yes! You can test out the software for 30 days and if you don’t believe this is the very best retargeting software in the world, then let us know and we’ll give you a refund.

Q: Is Retarget ‘Facebook safe’?

A: Yes! Retarget by Adsight Pro fits within Facebook’s terms of service. In fact Facebook rewards you for using this software with a lower cost per click and a higher click through rate.

Q: I’m not a very tech-savvy person, is Retarget easy to use?

A: Yes! If you can copy and paste then you can use this, simply choose what ‘trip wire’ you want to set for your visitors. Follow our step by step easy to follow training to add one line of code into your webpage and that’s all.

Q: How much will Retarget cost after this special ‘Founders Offers”?

A: This software will be removed from the market; the price will be adjusted to either a monthly or a yearly fee and re-released in a few weeks’ time. This is the only time you’ll be able to secure a one time price for this software.

Q: Are there any updates/OTOs?

A: Yes, there are a few optional updates available with Retarget today. These include a number of advanced features and add-ons that can help you to save time and make Retarget by Adsight Pro even more powerful.

Q: Do I get future updates when I purchase as a founder today?

A: Yes! Whenever Facebook makes any changes or updates to their advertising platform we’ll update your software for you free of charge.

Q: Where can get support?

A: You can get in touch with our support desk here. Feel free to contact us with any pre purchase questions or support related queries that relate to Retarget by Adsight Pro on:

Q: Is the data the software collects private and protected?

A: Yes! The data is stored within your account. We have no way of accessing your visitor’s data. It is yours to use to set your retargeting setting and send to Facebook for retargeting.


Get access today for an incredible low price as part of this founder’s deal: at $37

This incredible offer is only available for a low one time cost during this ‘Founder’s’ special. After the launch the price will be increasing and if you miss out on this Founder’s special you will need to pay significantly more in the future.

Here’s Exactly What You’re Getting Included with Retarget by Adsight Pro Today:

Personal Rights:

· Unlimited campaigns

· Easy to use interface

· User behavioral tracking system

· Retargeting layers

· Campaign refinement system

Commercial Rights

· Sell to businesses

· Unlimited campaigns

· Easy to use interface

· User behavioral tracking system

· Retargeting layers

· Campaign refinement system

Test Drive Retarget by AdSightPro for 30 Day (100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE)

Test out the software on us for 30 days. If this is not the most incredible retargeting software you’ve ever got your hands on then send them a message and they’ll give you your money back.

Get access today for an incredibly low price as part of this founder’s deal:

This incredible offer is only available for a low one-time cost during this ‘Founders’ special. After the launch the price will be increasing and if you miss out on this founders special you will need to pay significantly more in future.


Retargeting is the very best way to advertise if you want the best chance of generating a higher ROI. Now with this new software and our custom system that captures the most precise information about your visitors you can milk Facebook for profits or sell this solution to businesses for hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

You’re minutes away from harnessing the most powerful retargeting software on the planet. What are you waiting for? Get access to Retarget by Adsight Pro today.

To get a more detailed review of this wonderful product head over here